🚀 Ultimate eCommerce Conversion Rate Optimization Checklist

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Hey there 👋

We work in DTC and were tired of Googling ‘Okendo vs Yotpo’ and getting only SEO optimized sites which listed their features but were absolutely useless in helping make a decision. The alternative was long sales calls with company reps where we would spend an hour getting pitched before getting something as simple as the price of the tool. As eCommerce operators, we didn’t have the time or energy to deeply research all of the alternatives and would end up choosing what a friend’s company used (best case) or based on the most convincing sales pitch (worst case). We had also experienced the pain of choosing the wrong tool and suffering with it for years before deciding to go through the painful process of ripping it out and replacing it with the tool we should have chosen in the first place. What we wanted was actual advice from people who had used the tools. We didn’t want a list of features but a concise recommendation on the tool we should use. Since nothing out there existed we decided to create it.

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